Tuesday 16 May 2017

Cannes v Netflix Row

If you want to make your exam answer really up to date on Thursday, include this article: http://theday.co.uk/arts/cannes-film-festival-goes-to-war-with-netflix

Basically, it’s saying that the very famous Cannes Film Festival (on this week) is showing two Netflix films, but the Festival organisers have decided that from next year, only films that have been shown in actual cinemas will be eligible for the festival.

This means that Netflix will have to arrange for its films to be shown in the cinema, too, in order to enter the competition. There’s a huge debate amongst filmmakers about the advent of digital platforms, many of them believing that the ‘big screen’ cinema is the place where films are ‘meant’ to be shown.

What do you think? Is it ‘better’ for us as audiences to see films on the big screen, or are we happy to watch them at home on a device? Is it just as good an experience?